clickclub/Click Club
Peter Luining
clickclub was an art project by Peter Luining, consisting of a webpage with images that all linked to new pages where animations, images, interactive pages, and new links could be found, often with stimulating, sometimes sexually themed content. The pages provoke the user to keep clicking.
The work can be seen as an interactive labyrinth. You never know what you will find after the next ‘click’. The page deals with the nature of interactivity and responds to the curiosity of the user.
clickclub is about some key features of the internet: it combines video, animation, and sound, and uses the endless flow of images and information that the net is full of.
biography artist
Peter Luining lives in Amsterdam and works as an artist, curator, and theorist. After studying contemporary philosophy in the 80s, he became a VJ in Amsterdam. Meanwhile he started making animations and combining these with his own music. In 1996, Luining started using the internet as an artistic medium and was a central figure in the international internet art scene of the late nineties. He liked the way work on the internet was interactive and could reach a large audience, and started to create webpages and net performances. After 1997 his work became abstract and geometric, but also often resulted in minimal conceptual works. He introduced the term Sound Toys, denoting interactive formal sound pieces.
net art, internet art, interactive, audiovisual, animation, sound art, website
[caption id="attachment_417" align="alignnone" width="640"]
Peter Luining, Clickclub, 1996-2001. Screencapture http://www.ctrlaltdel.org/clickclub/initiate.htm 11-12-2018.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_418" align="alignnone" width="640"]
Peter Luining, Clickclub, 1996 - 2001. Screencapture http://www.ctrlaltdel.org/clickclub/pcrec1.htm 11-12-2018.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_416" align="alignnone" width="640"]
Peter Luining, Clickclub, 1996 - 2001, click environment, ctrlaltdel.org/clickclub.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_421" align="alignnone" width="640"]
Peter Luining, Clickclub, 1996 - 2001. Screencapture http://www.ctrlaltdel.org/clickclub/pcrec1.htm 11-12-2018.[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_420" align="alignnone" width="640"]
Peter Luining, Clickclub, 1996 - 2001. Screencapture http://www.ctrlaltdel.org/clickclub/pcrec1.htm 11-12-2018.[/caption]
Peter Luining, Clickclub, 1996 - 2001. Screencapture http://www.ctrlaltdel.org/clickclub/pcrec1.htm 11-12-2018.

The work was published online in 1996 and was also presented at transmediale in Berlin in the same year.
html, dhtml, quicktime, flash, shockwave (director), vrml, webbrowser
clickclub is an interactive website. By clicking you are brought to new pages, animations, and images. Luining himself calls it a ‘click environment’.1
part of collection
The work has been developed for internet connected Windows and Mac desktop computers.
technical specs
intention artistquote by artist
“De Click Club was aanvankelijk erg aan video gerelateerd; veel sequenties van plaatjes achter elkaar. Het is een soort interface waarin je continu kunt klikken. Dat is voor de beleving van de afzonderlijke werken ook heel belangrijk. Die plaatjes hadden altijd iets prikkelends. Ik heb toen twee grote Internet hits gehad: Pretty Censored en Doktertje Spelen. De afbeelding van Doktertje Spelen komt uit een boek over seksuele voorlichting uit de jaren zeventig. Een onnozel plaatje van twee blote kinderen. Het blijkt tegenwoordig meteen geassocieerd te worden met kinderporno. Ik kreeg dan ook allerlei dreigbrieven naar aanleiding van dat werk. Doktertje Spelen gaat ook over een veranderende seksuele moraal. Het is tegelijkertijd een ultiem interactief werk. Als kijker kun je met een vergrootglas inzoomen op details en het blijkt dat mensen dan altijd in die gaatjes kijken.”2
“After these events my work became more unpredictable. The type of work where you enter a webpage and you don't know what will happen at the next page. A luna park like experience.”3
“I started to do autonomous work for the internet in 1996. I was fascinated by the way you could easily make things interactive with html (a language in which web pages are programmed). My first work researched the possibilities of interactive sound and images. These were quite simple pieces; with a click you came to another page on which another sound and animation played. By giving people more choices on a page to navigate, I created more complex works.”4
“Painters that inspired me are people like Bridget Riley, Elsworth Kelly and Peter Halley. If you look at their work you have a physical experience. I try to keep the tension of this physical experience at the level of the visual and I add noise to it to make totally immersive pieces.” In this same interview Peter Luining also stated that he was inspired by JODI and Antiorp (NN).4
A labyrinth of web pages like clickclub can also be found on the first webpage of JODI: wwwwwwwww.jodi.org
Works made by artist Rafael Rozendaal also use interactive and minimalistic web pages, in addition to sound and animations, in a similar manner as Luining.
Peter Luining's work has been widely exhibited internationally. Recent presentations include: Supermarket, Stockholm, 2013; Techfest 2013 , Bombay; Transmediale 2012, Berlin; Gogbot, Enschede; STRP festival, Eindhoven, the Netherlands; Gemak, the Hague, the Netherlands; Festival de Arte Digital, Belo Horizonte, Brazil; Art Amsterdam; and Mediumturm, Graz, Austria. Previously his work was amongst others presented at MUKHA, Antwerp, Belgium; Stedelijk Museum (CS11), Amsterdam; Art Frankfurt, Germany; ARCO Madrid, Spain; Belkin Satellite, Vancouver, Canada; Museo Tamayo, Mexico City; Kuenstlerhaus Wien, Vienna; >Version 3, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago; Sonic Acts, Amsterdam; KIMAF, Kiev; Cybersonica, ICA, London; de Appel, Amsterdam; Emaf, Osnabrueck; Sonar, Barcelona; LA Bienale, Los Angeles; Pusan Bienale, Korea; World Wide Video Festival, Amsterdam; Impakt, Utrecht; Art Forum, Berlin; Art Brussels, Brussels.
Bosma, Josephine. “Short Interview with Peter Luining.” Josephine Bosma, May 2000, josephinebosma.com.
Davies, Colin, and Monika Parrinder. Limited Language: Rewriting Design: Responding to a Feedback Culture. Birkhäuser Verlag, 2010.
Petersen, Thomas. “Art Is a Software Plug-in. An Interview with Peter Luining .” Artificial , 24 Jan. 2005, artificial.dk.
part of active discussion
scene artists institutes
net art, internet art, interactive, audiovisual, JODI, mouchette
1 “Ctrlaltdel.org.” Ctrlaltdel, blog.ctrlaltdel.org. 2 Kees Keijer, “Interview met Peter Luining.”, Metropolis M, Feb-/Mrt 2001, ctrlaltdel.org/metropolism
3 Josephine Bosma, “Short Interview with Peter Luining.” Josephine Bosma, May 2000, josephinebosma.com.
4 Thomas Petersen, “Art Is a Software Plug-in. An Interview with Peter Luining .” Artificial , 24 Jan. 2005, artificial.dk.
5 Stanza, “Interview with Peter Luining.” Rhizome, ctrlaltdel.org.
Annie Abrahams
Livinus van de Bundt & Jeep van de Bundt
Driessens & Verstappen (Erwin Driessens and Maria Verstappen)
Yvonne le Grand
Edward Ihnatowicz
JODI (Joan Heemskerk & Dirk Paesmans)
Bas van Koolwijk
Lancel/Maat (Karen Lancel and Hermen Maat)
Jan Robert Leegte
Peter Luining
Martine Neddam
Marnix de Nijs and Edwin van der Heide
Dick Raaijmakers
Joost Rekveld
Remko Scha
Jeffrey Shaw
Debra Solomon
Peter Struycken
Michel Waisvisz